Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Deaf Development Worker - More applications wanted

IDC - Deaf Development Worker Post
Islington Deaf Campaign:

Deaf Development Worker Post
Job Description: Deaf Development Worker (DDW)

Reporting to IDC Board of Trustees/Directors.
Salary for 1 part time deaf development worker - NJC Scale 5 Spinal Point 11 at £24,441.90 per annum (Pro-Rata) for 22.5 hours / 3 days per week ( including 12.8% emp NICs, ILW and 5% pension) - £14,992.95 (this includes employer contributions)

To set up a Islington Deaf club that will enable Deaf people in Islington to come together to tackle social isolation, exclusion and discrimination by providing information and advice on key welfare, housing and community care entitlements, create opportunities for mutual support and self advocacy and campaign on Deaf issues.

The Deaf Development Worker will meet the following project objectives:
1. To work with the Islington Deaf Campaign to set up a borough wide Islington Deaf Club. The club will meet at least monthly and provide a range of activities including: information exchanges, guest speakers, social events, information and advice sessions and training opportunities for members.
2. To carry out a rolling programme of outreach work with the Deaf community to publicise the club and ensure it is providing the types of activities and services Deaf people need.
3. To support and service the Islington Deaf Campaign (IDC) and the enable it to provide strategic leadership of the project.
4. To support members of the IDC and Deaf club to take part in key local consultation and decision making forums with the aim of ensuring Deaf issues are addressed and mainstreamed.
5. To establish relationships with key statutory and voluntary sector organisations in order to raise the profile of the project and Deaf issues and ensure effective partnership working.
6. In conjunction with the IDC and Deaf club submit funding applications to increase the organisation’s future sustainability.

• Increased knowledge and take up of welfare benefits, housing and community care entitlements by Deaf club members and wider Deaf community
• Increased knowledge of local service provision, entitlements and rights by Deaf Club members
• Reduced social isolation amongst Deaf club members
• Increased self advocacy opportunities and skills amongst Deaf club members
• Increased profile for Deaf issues and more effective user led consultation with Deaf community

This job position is for a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Person who use high level of British Sign Language.

Please note that the applicant will have hold a NVQ Level 3 British Sign Language or equivalent to this level. This person already achieved an undergraduate degree or higher.
Please submit CV and cover letter :

Islington Deaf Campaign, Studio No206, Regent House, 1 Thane Villas, London N7 7PH Or Fax 0207 690 0395 or The Deadline for the application is 27 November 2009.

The interview will be held on 4 December 2009.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Red Carpet - please let us know tickets

Deaf people in Islington requested IDC to publish an event.

Date:Saturday, 17 October 2009
Time:18:00 - 23:00
60 Lough Road
London N7 8rh

London, United Kingdom

Please contact us to give you information how to obtain the tickets.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

World Deaf and Sign Language Day Agenda


10 am

To celebrate Sign Language Day: Opening by Mayor of Islington, MP, and Councillors

10.20am – 10.50 am “British Sign Language Charter” by Jill Jones.

10.55am - 11.15 am “ New Housing allocations scheme” for Deaf people by Councillor Barbara Smith.

11.15 am - 11.50 am Questions and Answers.

11.50 am Break tea and coffee.

12pm Lunch.

1pm- 2pm Learning Basic British Sign Language.

2.10 pm Deaf Comic Theatre by John Smith.

3.10 pm – Deaf poetry and back up by John Smith.

3.45 pm Outside Town Hall - Special Candle Memory for Deaf people guide by IDC Chairperson.

4.30pm closure in celebrating.


9.30 am to 4.30 pm Outside in the hall and Committee room 3

10.30am to 2.30pm “Make up for Children”

Monday, 21 September 2009

Islington Deaf Campaign - DDW Post

Islington Deaf Campaign:

Deaf Development Worker Post

Job Description: Deaf Development Worker (DDW)
Reporting to IDC Board of Trustees/Directors.

1 part time deaf development worker - 22.5 hours / 3 days per week


To set up a Islington Deaf club that will enable Deaf people in Islington to come together to tackle social isolation, exclusion and discrimination by providing information and advice on key welfare, housing and community care entitlements, create opportunities for mutual support and self advocacy and campaign on Deaf issues.


The Deaf Development Worker will meet the following project objectives:

1. To work with the Islington Deaf Campaign to set up a borough wide Islington Deaf Club. The club will meet at least monthly and provide a range of activities including: information exchanges, guest speakers, social events, information and advice sessions and training opportunities for members.
2. To carry out a rolling programme of outreach work with the Deaf community to publicise the club and ensure it is providing the types of activities and services Deaf people need.
3. To support and service the Islington Deaf Campaign (IDC) and the enable it to provide strategic leadership of the project.
4. To support members of the IDC and Deaf club to take part in key local consultation and decision making forums with the aim of ensuring Deaf issues are addressed and mainstreamed.
5. To establish relationships with key statutory and voluntary sector organisations in order to raise the profile of the project and Deaf issues and ensure effective partnership working.
6. In conjunction with the IDC and Deaf club submit funding applications to increase the organisation’s future sustainability.


• Increased knowledge and take up of welfare benefits, housing and community care entitlements by Deaf club members and wider Deaf community
• Increased knowledge of local service provision, entitlements and rights by Deaf Club members
• Reduced social isolation amongst Deaf club members
• Increased self advocacy opportunities and skills amongst Deaf club members
• Increased profile for Deaf issues and more effective user led consultation with Deaf community

This job position is for a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Person who use high level of British Sign Language.

Please note that the applicant will have hold a NVQ Level 3 British Sign Language or equivalent to this level. This person already achieved an undergraduate degree or higher.

Please submit CV and cover letter :

Islington Deaf Campaign, Hanley Couch, The Laundry Club, Sparsholt Road, London N19 4EL. Or Fax 0207 690 0395 or The Deadline for the application is

16 October 2009.

Interview date should be held one week after this date. (please make sure to be available for these dates).

Sunday, 30 August 2009

1001 arabian nights party - got some tickets

Islington Deaf Campaign receive request from its own members

Here is the information for the party and

please contact us if you wish more information.

Monday, 8 June 2009

UK Government News Ratification for Deaf - IDC

Hello Welcolme to IDC Blog. Signed Islington Deaf 

We are very pleased to tell you -about the time!  
The Government been attending to New York today 
to ratified International Treaty: UN Convention on 
Right of People with Disabilities ALSO Deaf! 

IDC on history that Betty (Chairperson), myself 
and IDC been lots of meetings for human rights 
campaign for make sure our rights are match 
to equality. 

We first become very interested in this Treaty 
in 2006. We asked details about International 
Treaty wow very important to us. We want 
these rights! IDC been asking for our Islington MP 
Jeremy Corbyn MP to sign with International Treaty 
and he did asked the Parliament with questions 
and got the answers.

The Government says they will sign the Treaty, 
then finally they did in March 2007. We 
realise that it is only signed which means only 
support these principles from the Govenment.
Not enough. Only signed. There is no law 
changing at all.  We IDC kept going and 
campaign these to the Government.

Today the Government officially ratified 
which means our rights we can use now - 
high standard. We can tell the Government 
to comply with the Treaty. If the government 
ignore, we can use this treaty to show them!
What rights will we have? (Briefly)

1. Right to expression, your views and opinions
in Sign Language. Access to Information in 
BSL. Right to your linquistic identity of Deaf 
Community. It is YOURS identity that proud!
2. Access to BSL Teachers, Interpreters
3. MOST IMPORTANT - Deaf Children - access to 
billigualism - first language BSL and English.

If you want more information, you can read the 
Convention, or you can contact IDC.

This means IDC been successful campaign 
on this issue.  But we have more action to 
make this happen.

Please you deaf people support IDC - 
need to work together, share information, 
respect each other.

How to contact IDC? - details on IDC Blog.

Thank you for watching. Bye.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Looking for volunteers and exhibtions



We are looking for volunteers to support our Day on 29 September 2009 to remember all deaf people fighting for their Deaf and Sign Language rights.

We need:-

· BSL Comedians
· BSL Poetry
· Interpreters
· Guides / Stewards

We are also offering exhibition space from small and large organisations on all day. Please ask for our details about rates.

Please contact Islington Deaf Campaign for an application form for volunteers or more information about exhibition by or fax 0207 690 0395.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Volunteers and Exhibtion needed for World Deaf and Sign Language Day






We are looking for volunteers to support our Day on 29 September 2009 to remember all deaf people fighting for their Deaf and Sign Language rights. 


We need:-


·        BSL Comedians

·        BSL Poetry

·        Interpreters

·        Guides / Stewards


We are also offering exhibition space from small and large organisations on all day.  Please ask for our details about rates.


Please contact Islington Deaf Campaign for an application form for volunteers or more information about exhibition by or fax 0207 690 0395.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


Deaf Lecture in Islington - for Everyone - Transgender Society is my Family

Please press the image for the information for lecturer who will deliver "Transgender Society is my Family" on 4th June 2009 6pm to 8pm at Islington Town Hall.

Please let us know that you are coming! Tell others to come as well!

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Free Membership for Deaf Islington People

Islington Deaf Campaign provides free life membership to whom lives in Islington and is Deaf.

All members will able to receive newsletters regularly, and all information about deaf training or other events in Islington. The benefits is that sharing new information with other Islington deaf people in the Community.

Please contact for membership form.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Community Planting Day - BSL provision

Islington Council asked Islington Deaf Campaign (IDC) to spread to Deaf Community In Islington.

It is a Community Planting Day which help the Greenspace Rangers with a variety of garden maintenance tasks, including planting.

We have requested them for a BSL interpreter provision and they will provide this service.

Please contact IDC ( if you want more information.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

IDC - Deaf Development Worker Post

Islington Deaf Campaign:

Deaf Development Worker Post

Job Description: Deaf Development Worker (DDW)
Reporting to IDC Board of Trustees/Directors.

Salary for 1 part time deaf development worker - NJC Scale 5 Spinal Point 11 at £24,441.90 per annum (Pro-Rata) for 22.5 hours / 3 days per week ( including 12.8% emp NICs, ILW and 5% pension) - £14,992.95


To set up a Islington Deaf club that will enable Deaf people in Islington to come together to tackle social isolation, exclusion and discrimination by providing information and advice on key welfare, housing and community care entitlements, create opportunities for mutual support and self advocacy and campaign on Deaf issues.


The Deaf Development Worker will meet the following project objectives:

1. To work with the Islington Deaf Campaign to set up a borough wide Islington Deaf Club. The club will meet at least monthly and provide a range of activities including: information exchanges, guest speakers, social events, information and advice sessions and training opportunities for members.
2. To carry out a rolling programme of outreach work with the Deaf community to publicise the club and ensure it is providing the types of activities and services Deaf people need.
3. To support and service the Islington Deaf Campaign (IDC) and the enable it to provide strategic leadership of the project.
4. To support members of the IDC and Deaf club to take part in key local consultation and decision making forums with the aim of ensuring Deaf issues are addressed and mainstreamed.
5. To establish relationships with key statutory and voluntary sector organisations in order to raise the profile of the project and Deaf issues and ensure effective partnership working.
6. In conjunction with the IDC and Deaf club submit funding applications to increase the organisation’s future sustainability.


• Increased knowledge and take up of welfare benefits, housing and community care entitlements by Deaf club members and wider Deaf community
• Increased knowledge of local service provision, entitlements and rights by Deaf Club members
• Reduced social isolation amongst Deaf club members
• Increased self advocacy opportunities and skills amongst Deaf club members
• Increased profile for Deaf issues and more effective user led consultation with Deaf community

This job position is for a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Person who use high level of British Sign Language.

Please note that the applicant will have hold a NVQ Level 3 British Sign Language or equivalent to this level. This person already achieved an undergraduate degree or higher.

Please submit CV and cover letter :

Islington Deaf Campaign, Hornsey Lane Estate Community Centre, Hornsey Lane Estate, Hazellville Road, London N19 3YJ. Or Fax 0207 690 0395 or The Deadline for the application is 4 February 2009.

The interview will be held on 18 February 2009 (afternoons only).