Tuesday, 8 April 2008

clear Information: Mother Children and why petition?

Screen information.

Hello. I would like to clarify, Thank you for all deaf people have been feedback to me. Learning to improve. I need to know so we can improve better. Thank you all.

Two things. Firstly, you see why we said children, wonder what? We want to take children to the Downing Street, with 6 children to show to Prime Minister. Prime Minister need to see children as Deaf, make him realise. Relating to Deaf Genes issues. For the future. That is why.

I need to ask permission of mothers, allow to take the children to there. Also we have an interpreter (volunteer) to come with us to communicate with them.

Secondly, why we do need Petition? Petiton is very important. Why, we need all petition to be collected, then final report on the top, then we get and hand in Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

That is two things.

I now inform you you can download the petition from the Blog, you will see right of the screen, you can press it and download the petition. Do not worrry about the deadline, it will be on 12 April.

Please send to us now. Why? We need to count petitions then produce a formal report with petitions. Just carry on filling the form, not worry about deadline. Please support us. All of us. We did receive petitions but need more. We have a week left, and need to fill as much as we can.

Then 12 April, 4 days that is all. Perhaps I am wrong. 1, 2, 3, 4 , no I am right 4 days left. Relief. Been busy organising. Police been discussed and agreed. I now inform you please again feedback to us.



RLM said...

Hi there,

I could not follow you 100 percent since you use the British Sign Language (BSL).

I wonder if you could provide the summary what you sign in BSL, please.

If not, I will understand completely.

What we, Americans could be of any help to your cause?

Robert L. Mason (RLM)

Islington Deaf Campaign (IDC) said...

Please respect BSL as the land on the country come first. Then English as second. Thank you.

Unknown said...

England before USA , agree.
but ASL is more related to France. Which came first? thank you